Punjabijodi.com presumes that any member that register on Punjabijodi.com, enter with a genuine intention of getting been married and is of legal marriageable age as per the laws prevailing in India
IF YOU DO NOT agree with the terms and condition specified here. Please DO not proceed the further.
We at Punjabijodi.com acts only as an intermediate platform for exchange of information provided by the members of good faith,
Although we have a comprehensive method to check and verify the member information, still we do not guarantee the genuine of information,
Punjabijodi.com does not represent , endorse the accuracy and correctness of information like profile picture , historical background , contact , financial , education or any other such information which may be displayed on Punjabijodi.com or any of its associated page or any of the communication including but not limited to newsletter , email , phone calls or any such medium.
Although we keep a sharp eye on content that is been posted on Punjabijodi.com by member ,Still neither Punjabijodi.com nor any of its staff is held responsible for any abusive, misrepresentation, harassment or any content that promotes adult content , pornography, hatred, racism etc. that may be found on Punjabijodi.com, in spite of our best efforts
*Punjabijodi.com uses third party payment gateway therefore neither Punjabijodi.com nor any of its associates / Staff will ask for financial details like credit card number, bank details etc,
** Members are requested not to provide any financial information to any person whether or not associated by Punjabijodi.com by whatsoever relation ( Franchise, Staff etc ) or pretend to be in such a relationship with Punjabijodi.com
*** We will NEVER ask you any information regarding your Credit Card information, Bank account details, Bank ID and Password etc if you provide this information to any person, Punjabijodi.com is not held liable for any condition, whatsoever case may be
All the information provided to Punjabijodi.com forms a part of public information and will be displayed on internet website Punjabijodi.com its associated website, mobile application etc which can be accessed by staff, franchise, member or nonmember and even robots and search engine spiders like Googlebot, bingscooter etc
Punjabijodi.com reserve the right to use and display all or part of this information for promotion campaigns on all type of online and offline medium including , print media, radio , TV commercial , PPC campaign , DTH , Banner , Flex , cards , newspaper advertisement etc . Punjabijodi.com shall not be held liable for usage/publicity of such information/data
We do not allow any of body incorporates like company, firm, or any other entity that exists only by virtue of Law only to become a member of Punjabijodi.com.
Additionally, we do not allow members to use any information related to another member for any purpose other than matrimonial, Members are not allowed to use personal information for any kind of commercial intention, resale of data, unethical, illegal use for defaming or any such notorious activity.
Punjabijodi.com reserves right to suspend account of such member without any notice and forfeit any membership amount partial or full if any,
Additionally, Punjabijodi.com also reserves the right to take legal action against the member, lodge complaint to legal competent authorities or approach court of LAW.
Every member that signs up on Punjabijodi.com or attempt to do so has to abide by the following rules, Member is not allowed to upload any information that is
- Punjabijodi.com may send/recommend profiles of another member to some member either via email, SMS or phone number.
- Such proposals are never to be considered as matrimonial proposal/offer /recommendation from Punjabijodi.com
It is a premium feature that lets all the member claim a refund if in case they do not find a suitable match as per the needs as per the following basis
i. Membership will be refundable only after 15 days of completion of the membership terms expiration
ii. Member need to contact us within 45 days of membership term expiration date, after that, no refund claims will be entertained
iii. Punjabijodi.com will deduct an amount of 30% for maintenance charges, transaction charge, and Service charges
iv. Remaining 70% of money will be refunded on basis of Pro Rata as per the unused membership
For Instance: A Member buys a membership to view 100 contacts in 6 months worth a membership of Rs 10000
Meanwhile, member has viewed contact details of 40 contacts, it is deemed that member has used up 40% of its membership
Now, if member claims a refund, we will pay him as per the following calculation
The User/subscriber/ visitor to Punjabijodi.com are prohibited from uploading, posting, transmitting, updating or sharing any information that:
A) Belongs to another person and to which the user does not have any right to;
B) Grossly harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatever; harm minors in any way;
C) Infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights;
D) violates any law for the time being in force;
E) Deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of such messages or communicates any information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature; impersonate another person;
F) contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource; threatens the unity, integrity, defense, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting any other nation.
10. All people who become members of Punjabijodi.com are consenting for receiving
a) Membership Emails: Emails conveying the benefits of paid membership to you. These are sent to the Email address you have mentioned in your profile.
b) Important Notifications from Punjabijodi.com - Messages which inform you on various alerts related to usage of the site by you or other members who have viewed your profile or which are initiated by the IEIL team to introduce new features, educate on existing functionality etc These will be sent to your Postal Address/Email/Messenger Ids or on your Landline/Mobile from a registered number via SMS/MMS/VMS/USSD/IVR/Calls etc.
c) Membership SMS/Calls: SMS or phone calls conveying the benefits of paid membership to you. You will receive these calls or SMS on any of the phone numbers you have mentioned in your profile if you have subscribed to them in your alert manager settings.
11. Users who sign up to Punjabijodi.com allows Punjabijodi.com to contact people on their behalf via Telephone, SMS, profile action on Punjabijodi.com website, Face to face interaction or any other means/modes of communication.